2 Ways That An Attorney Can Protect You And Your Dog

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One of the most nightmarish scenarios that a dog owner can experience is finding out that their dog is being accused of biting an individual, mostly because this can often result in severe financial penalties and the loss of their dog. Listed below are two ways that a dog bite attorney can protect you and your dog following a dog bite incident.

Attempt To Prove That The Dog Responded Naturally

One way that an attorney can protect your dog in the event of a dog bite scenario is by attempting to prove that the dog responded naturally. For example, your dog may not be euthanized and you may not have to pay any financial penalties to the bitten individual if it was revealed that the dog bit the person because that person was triggering your dog in some way. An example of this triggering would be if the individual that was bitten was actually tormenting your dog, either by physically abusing the dog or scaring the dog in some way repeatedly.

Attempt To Prove That The Bitten Person Ignored Warnings

Another way that an attorney can protect you and your dog after a dog bite incident is by attempting to prove that the bitten person ignored warnings to leave the dog alone. For example, if the individual that was bitten continually tried to approach your leashed dog despite the fact that you warned him or her off, there is a chance that this can be used to prove that the bitten person was actually at fault for the dog bite.

In addition, if your dog was kept on a leash within your fenced-in property and an individual chose to climb over the fence and approach your dog, this can also be used to prove that the bitten individual decided to take his or her safety in his or her own hands and approach the dog anyway and take the risk of getting bitten. However, this approach really only works if you did not actually invite the individual onto your property.

Contact a dog bites attorney immediately if your dog has been accused of biting someone in order to discuss the strength of your case and to figure out how the attorney can protect you and your dog. An attorney can protect you and your dog by attempting to prove that the dog responded naturally when he or she bit someone and prove that the bitten person ignored warnings to leave the dog be.
